Moving Office can be hard!

But it doesn't have to be!

Plan ahead!

The number of people who move offices only to find just one thing goes wrong, which can mean days or even weeks before your new office is operational again

Where does this cable go?

Ever moved your computer from one desk to another?
Think about doing that 20 times in a row
Let a professional make sure all your desks are setup and working BEFORE your staff arrive

Make sure your office is right for you!

You've found your Perfect office! YAY!
After signing a 10 year lease, you find out that your only option is a terrible internet service that costs several thousand a month!

This can be avoided, by checking out the options before you sign the lease

The Benefits Are Clear

By having Biztactix help you through your move, You'll have everything sorted in no time!

What do you think?

It costs nothing to have a chat to someone about all the things you've probably forgotten about, after all moving a working business is a very big job!
Organise a Free Chat
Saves you Time
Saves you Money
Saves you costly Mistakes
Friendly and Helpful throughout the process
Your Partner in Business

Ask Nothing, Get Nothing

Speak to someone about your IT issues, What's to lose?
Talk to someone today
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